Loretta Cantley

I hope you don't have any problems with these. If these files are too big (I usually send smaller but thought you might need more data) let me know and I will send them a little smaller.
The first one is of my family at Christmas 2003. That is Mike (31- current age), Celeste (33), Reg and I and Liz (23) in front of our barn - a reproduction of an 1890's life saving station.
The second photo is of Todd Lewis taken out on Whitehead Island one sunny day. He found a great buoy which I still have hanging on a tree in the yard.
The third photo is of Reg and I last summer - all cleaned up for a relative's wedding.
Then there is one of Jeanie and Todd Lewis - they came to visit in '03 and we climbed up the lighthouse at the end of the Rockland Breakwater. It sits out about 3/4 of a mile into the harbor and in this photo, the fog has rolled in and obscured the land.
The last is of my mother, Maxine Cantley. So many people have written me after her recent death, I thought maybe they might like to see a relatively recent picture of her. In this one, she is 84.
Thanks for taking care of this rather complicated job.