The June 23 potluck at Debbie's in Saddleridge in Walland is THIS MONTH GUYS!
Debbie would like to know how many to plan for. Remember we will need to meet at Smith's to carpool at 12:30 PM. Debbie's number 865-981-9378 and email dbway@bellsouth.net.
If you are going to come please drop Debbie a note so she can get an idea of the count. If you are out of state, we are having a really outstanding Spring and the mountains will be THE PLACE to visit by the end of June.
As always if you have any news to pass on please send it to the blog or to me @
UPDATE on EMMET!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi to all,
It seems the month of May has had more medical events than any other, even considering the transplants. We have spent to many days at M.D.Anderson dealing with new situations.
First of all, the blood clot in Emmet's leg is still something to deal with but it did not prevent us from going to N. J. for Michael's first birthday. It was a much needed trip for us and a complete delight to be with Michael at such a precious time. He is toddling now, and very mobile. We had so much fun. But, back to the blood clot, Emmet will remain on coumadin for about 6 months. He currently sees someone weekly to verify the level. He is now off the Lovenox, which is the injection that I had to give him, thank goodness. Emmet's leg continues to be swollen and a little sore, but this is to be expected. It is my understanding that as long as the leg shows these signs it means the clot is still there, as opposed to moving to the lungs. He will have another ultrasound in about 3 weeks.
The other issue that came up in May has taken a lot more of our time. The "bump" on Emmet's back became infected. He has had this for probably 15 years. It is either a subasious cyst or a libasious cyst, both types being benign. Sorry about the spelling. It has been completely dormant for so long, no one seems to know why it suddenly started erupting. The doctor's have gone back and forth as to what to do with it. Being on blood thinners has been the big issue. About 2 weeks ago a surgeon had looked at it and prescribed antibiotics. Well that didn't seem to calm things down, but at least there was no spreading. We had a follow up visit with her yesterday. As luck would have it, the coumadin level is not very high yet, so she went ahead and cut out the cyst. A biopsy will provide more info on the exact type. Part of me is really pleased it is gone. The tough part is that it was very large, about the size of a chicken egg, and infected, so the incision can't be closed up. I have to clean it and re-pack it twice a day. Giving shots in his belly twice a day was much easier.
Anyway, that is the latest in our continuing medical saga. I am amazed at how often a medical person expects me to do a medical procedure without even asking about any skills I might have. The family joke is that each of us got the right kind of cancer for the other one to deal with. Emmet is excellent in the kitchen and fluffing pillows and waiting on me, just don't get graphic on anything that may include blood.
As you can see, we still need your prayers. It is so comforting and empowering to know you all care and pray for us.