Well, I made it to 60 and I can't say it was easy. 50 didn't bother me, but 60 does. Not so much the way I look, but it saddens me that life is fleeting by so fast and I want to enjoy my children and grandkids(7th on the way) for a long time. My brother-in-law has cancer and going through that with my sister has been very hard.
Good news is Turner and will be celebrating our 40th wedding anniversary this summer.
I probably will not be able to attend the BIG birthday party. We already have 2 weddings in the South this fall, in October and November.
I really enjoy having this connection to everyone. Good job to those of you who regularly contribute!

Thanks MARY!
Anyone care to share living
for 6 decades? Ya know some of those
who we always said would "never" make it
DIDN'T! Bless their hearts.
I sent Morton a note on
April 5th asking him if we were
born yet. I knew one of us
was but at 60 I sure couldn't
remember which one.
At 60 I can still remember
Wilson timing us as we
climbed the rope to the ceiling
and back down in the old gym. Part
I remember most was standing next
to Woody Burns and him telling me
he had a plan to beat all of the times.
We had classmates flying up and down
that thing as Woody just stood there
and smiled. When it was his
turn he set a record that has never
been challenged in ascending and descending
the old gym climbing rope.
His secret?
Climb quickly to the ceiling of the old gym and then LET GO!
Yep I can still see him hitting that half inch
rubber mat, bouncing up and pointing at Wilson
yelling "TIME COACH?"
Course right now I don't have a clue where I
put my keys five minutes ago but I call still
remember the Big Burns Bounce.
Drop us a note and share!
The OLD e mail address on AOL
is toast.
PLEASE e mail direct to
Naturally we lost ALL our e mail
addresses in the AOL bail out
so please send to the above
and we will get you back on the list!!
Due to a scheduling problem the MHS class of 66 sixtieth birthday party has been rescheduled to Friday, Sept. 12. Please change your calendars. It will be a simple party. Please bring some finger foods and what you want to drink. I will have paper products, ice and a birthday cake. The event will be at the new Smithview Pavilion at 7PM. It is outside in a wonderful covered facility. Come ready to talk, eat and celebrate. Hope to see you there!