HOW was your winter????
East Tennessee had snow for the first time in years and
we had it on a frequent basis!
Chip Sutton is working on a new update of
our e mails and requests you
send him yours at chiben@charter.net
Here are some names Chip is working on, if you have
any info on these folks send him an e mail.
I have the following disconnects from the directory...
Ronald Coffin, Diana Dunn, Bill Gamble, Gibby Gibson, Don Gilmore, Jim Heird, Richard Kintner, Tom Lakey, Mike Lambert, Gary Millsaps, John Murphy, Jim Bennett
wrong numbers...Tony Houston, Jim Humphrey, Jody Miser
no phone numbers or addresses so far...Lynn Ailor, Teresa Anderson, Paul Cragan, David Davis, Gary Green, Ron Gutridge, Dortricia Hannum, Jim Harris, Leon Hatcher, Peggy Heller, Julia Hitson, Buddy Hodson, Mary Hopkins, Henrietta Howard, Ronald Hughes, Anne Hunt, Eddie Lane, Steve McArthur, Norman Marsh, Janie Patterson, Jacky Payne
This is a slow process...I've updated on 19.
I know that phone numbers and addresses change...but if you have any current numbers or someone who has numbers or addresses for these listed above...that would be great! Chip
If you are a Face Book person there are
a few really good links that relate to
Maryville High and some to us.
MHSCO66I Graduated From Maryville High School
Maryville Rebelsand my personal favorite...
I Cruised between A&W and Dwarf in Maryville TN in the 60's
More than a few of us are turning
62 this year

and if you want to send us
the date of your birthday we will start
reminding everyone to get you a gift!
On April 5th twins Andy Morton and
Walker Johnson

will be crossing the
line from 61. If you would like to
remember them they request no gifts
please...just cash in large bills.
Reportedly Jan is working on something with her committie
for your next reunion

also there is Face Book talk of
the classes around us 1964, 1965 and 1967 doing something
and including us in it. When we hear more we will
post it.

Again, hope everyone had a good winter and
that all of you are healthy and contemplating
drawing those giant social security checks this year!
Notes appreciated, just hit the comment section and post them
for us.