BOY HOWDY I SURE DO! They were square dances
and if a boy slung a girl too hard he was not allowed
to dance.
Can you name these two hot chicks posing by
the stage at Sam Houston

A few things are going on if you are headed to
Murvle this summer.
THIS Saturday (May 22nd) our old man band will be
playing at the Palace Theater, as always
when we have a big show we talk Andy Morton
into playing bass and keeping us in time. As for
the Palace, it was the one in
downtown that was never opened when were
kids. Show starts at 7 on the 22nd and
you can get your tickets by visiting our blog.
This could be fun. A few
from the class of 1965are
heading this up
but it is open to everyone.
What: Mixer
Start Time: Friday, June 11 at 5:00pm
End Time: Friday, June 11 at 8:00pm
Courtyard Grille
3749 Alcoa Highway
Alcoa, TN 37701-3251
(865) 970-7777
Also...Jan is working on two events for our class.
One is for the 45th reunion and the other is going to be a pot luck thing on the 19th of June at Savanna Park. MHS Class of '66 picnic--Saturday,June 19, 2010--Noon--Savannah Park Clubhouse. Paper products and soft drinks will be provided. Bring your favorite picnic items and join us. Let Jan know if you are coming by June 15.
NOW the first person to hit the comment button on the blog and
identify the two dancing beauties from Sam Houston will
win absolutely NOTHING! Who do you think they are???