Just a reminder that the 45th reunion will
be at
The Barn Event Centerin Townsend, July 2nd, 2011.

Drop Jan a note at either: janelle48@charter.net

and let her know you are coming and how many will be
with you. Be sure to ask her about the cost along with
anything else you might be wondering about concerning
the reunion.

Couple of other things...If you are on Face Book there is
a really great site about our
days in Murvel
There are lots of discussions on it that start with do you
remember:Glycos, The Lakemont Drive-In theater, Big K, Carl's Pet Shop, The Duck Inn, Farport IGA, Roy's Record Shop, Baldwin Brother's Pawn Shop, SuperX drugstore, Duff's Restaurant, Nixon's Deli, That Hobby Shop (next to WGAP) behind Eagleton Elementary, Red Justice Market at 5 pt., Cas Walker's, S&H Green Stamps, The Dogwood Theater, Profitts, Dugans, Ned T. Sherer & Robert Maxey, Double Cola & Brownie Chocolate Drinks, That Tank where Kroger’s is now, Skatetown USA, Druid hill Drive-In, The Pioneer House, Sky City, Burger Chef, The Blue Circle, The Market on the old K-Ville Hwy that had 10 for a dollar hot dogs=)Dwarf, White Swann, Blue Lights, A&W, Blue Circle, Kellys, JOY Motel, Mosers, Joes, J&K Easter Chickens, Blue Star Line, Joe Love, Zesto, Putt Putt, Gilberts, just to name a few. Again if you are on Face Book drop in and teach the children some REAL history!

Also if you are in town JUNE 21
Our band
The Mountain Folk Reunion will be playing at the
Maryville Library. Free hour concert
starting at 6:30. Special guest star
on bass.. THE Andy Morton.