If you can name the thespians in the above picture then I bet you can help out ROBERT!
Some of you may remember me - Robert McClanahan from our class of MHS '66. I
am writing to you to seek some help about our missing classmates.
Several of us have been working on a class reunion and that's going to come
off next weekend. I hope everyone was notified and intends to come to the
three events planned for next Friday and Saturday (June 30-July 1). If not,
please notify me by replying to this email or to catteacher48@aol.com (Jan
Van Meter Cooper, our reunion leader)
I am writing this afternoon seeking information and possibly phone, street
addresses, emails or just some info about the members listed below that we
have not had any success in tracking down to notify about the reunion.
Please be assured that we are not looking to get email or phone numbers to
release to the sales operations or reveal anyone's personal information to
the internet wierdos out there. I am preparing a booklet of names and
addresses for reunion attendees and hopefully we can have as many correct
addresses as possible. Every person attending will be getting a printed copy
and I will email a word.doc version to anyone who will email me at my
address above.
That all said, I need some help with the following folks who have
disappeared' off the radar over the last forty years (can it really be that
long?) and they don't turn up in the usual places like telephone
directories, etc. I realize some may be deceased and I need to add those to
our obituary page for the booklet, so if you know of any of these who have
passed away, let me know.
Some may have disappeared into witness protection, gone overseas or simply
gone off the grid, as they say. Whatever, let me know so I can add what
information I need to into our class listing document. Then, at least we
won't be sending out mail to people who aren't getting it.
Please read the following list and email me info about these or others that
you may have access to.
Bob McClanahan :-)
MHS Class of 1966 Missing or Lost Members
Lynn Ailor Pierce
Teresa Anderson
Ronald Coffin
Paul Cragan
Bill Gamble
Ron Gutridge
Jim Harris
Leon Hatcher
Peggy Heller
Julie Hitson Barrett
Robin Hood
Mary Hopkins
Henrietta Howard Reece
Mike Huffman
Ronald Hughes
Anne Hunt
Larry Kirby
Eddie Lane
Kathy Lovingood
Linda McNeal
Mary Newby Ide
Walter Pflanze
Sylvia Porter
Holly Reed
Gail Stacy
Locksley Stubblefield
David Teffeteller
Rick Temkin
Donald L Yates