New attractions so close to Maryville you can smell Pistol Creek!
The wide picture is the road up to the mountains, just past the turn off to Laurel Lake, taken from the parking lot of the Back Porch Restaurant.
Close picture is a view of a few select tall plants growing in the ditch just up from the creek. Not a clue what they are, but an old Hippy was playing way too many Grateful Dead (http://www.dead.net/) tunes just inside the door to the Restaurant.
The other picture is 18 at Laurel Valley, if you are a golfer and remember this place as a lake with a baseball field, guess what, it has changed! Locals can play for less than $30, if you come from out of state (especially north) the price is higher.
The last picture is the Back Porch, not all that bad grub, but kind of tourist priced. Have a clue what sweet tea is and say thank you and they will give you an extra roll.
It is about time for the gathering of the tribe in celebration of our forty years of freedom from MHS. IF you have not been back to Maryville in the last few decades brace yourself!
The town now has a rush hour, no joke and one is even DOWNTOWN.
The town now has places where you can buy an adult beverage while seated next to the other Baptists at the bar.
The town now has places to eat with more than a cheeseburger deluxe and crinkle fries on the menu.
The town has more than two golf courses.
The town has northerners living both in the city limits and near if not on NEBO Mountain.
The town has a spa, only one thank god but it is here.
The town has a new Catholic church (same folks as before but bigger building).
The town has a Festival (trust me it can't hold a candle to Hillbilly Home Coming).
The town has only one drive in (the old Parkway) and now kids go to watch the movies?
Key is if you were on the "edge" about coming to the Reunion or not, come on over to the dark side and have a drink (diet coke or Pop Skul, your call)with your classmates at the Hilton on the 30th and then be sure to send in your dimes and quarters for the next days breakfast! Also the following evening another gathering (free) at Smiths, but they still need your name and the number of those in your posse.
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