Linda Jones sent some great pictures from the early 1950s! You may have to work a bit to get the captions matched to the right pictures (your blog editor is old and is still trying to figure out the mad cap world of posting) but it will be worth the try, especially if you were a Ft. Craig graduate!!!
The end of her note asked if we wanted to try and guess the names of those in the pictures? Heck yes! She also was kind enough to send the names and I will try to get them into the comment section, that way you can guess and then check your answers.
THANKS LINDA for the great pictures!!!!!!
The teacher pictures are at Fort Craig Elementary: The one with trees has my aunt, Cecelia Jones, who taught second grade; the other has Polly Gibbs, who taught first grade. Both have Nina Cunningham (1st), Una V Payne (2nd) and Myrtle Kidd (1st).
New Providence Presbyterian Kindergarten Sunday School Graduation 1953. I know where I am (Linda Jones) and Ernie Lowe and Jody Miser and maybe Jane Alexander and Steve MacArthur. Also there - not sure which ones - should be John Murphy, Ann Prewett, maybe Diana Dunn & Margie Weaver, and probably Tom Callaway, who died when we were in sixth grade. This is the old church building which was Âdowntown.Â
The class picture is one of the two third grades at Fort Craig. The teacher is Miss Johnny Post. I know the names of almost all the students. Because of the location of Fort Craig, some of these went on to Eagleton and Everett. The other class had Mrs. Dorothy Clift.
Ok, here is the key for the names in Linda's pictures
Want to guess first or just print names?
Top row (left to right):John Harbison, Buddy Walker, Gerald Archer, Frank Johnson, Holly Reed, Vicky Perry, Mary Fuller, Anna Heaton, Henrietta Howard, Jody Miser.
Second row down (l to r): Tommy Lakey, Shirley Fuller, James Fann (maybe), Brenda Lewis, Penny Blackwood, Pam Ballew, Lynda Sue Coppinger, Dwight Reagan, Mike Buckner, Miss Post.
Bottom row (l to r): John Murphy, Edna Melson, Kenny Abbott, ___?___, Carson Scarborough, James Rhodes, Chip Evans, Ernie Lowe, Linda Jones, Allen ______ .
One of the teachers in these photos, Myrtle Kidd, was my great aunt. One of her brothers was my grandfather, who ran Williams Furniture with my father. Another of her brothers, my Uncle Pete, you all know as our principal, Walter Williams.
I left out a few others that would likely have been in the New Prov picture, including Richard Kintner, Cynthia Paxton (went to Alcoa, but taught your kids at MHS), and maybe Kathy Lovingood.
And possibly Stan Montgomery -- he's everywhere!
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